Useful Links

We would welcome any suggestions for additions to this page!

Robert Lancashire
UWI Jamaica
Robert Lancashire has worked for several years on JCAMP-DX utilities and was responsible for the first web browser for infrared, NMR and MS data. He has also several JCAMP-DX files demonstrating the use of chemical MIME.

Bob McDonald
New York
Bob McDonald, an author of the first JCAMP-DX standard for infrared spectroscopy. He has a very extensive reference web site

Freely available utilities on commercial sites

Utility (UNIX)

Program to Convert Varian NMR format to JCAMP v. 5 format. 
Author: Bio-Rad Laboratories, Sadtler Division

This link is currently down - the owners have been informed!
Various NMR test files are available in JCAMP-DX format from JEOL

Chemscape Chime

The latest version of the WEB BROWSER Chemical MIME plugin

Test web page without scripts
Test web page using scripts
Test web page with active vibrations

NMR Viewer Freeware
This program allows the import and display of JCAMP-DX, format files, Galactic SPC format and ACS/ESP files. The support for Varian FIDs and phasefiles, Bruker FIDs and 1r files, as well as NUTs has now been discontinued.

A free VB script running in Excel is available from BlackRobin software.

It will read a JCAMP-DX DIFDUP file and convert it to 2 columns of data and automatically display the NMR in Excel.

Acorn NMR Inc.
Examples of files exported by NUTS

Some academic/government sites

Widener University, USA
FTP Site
Spectra are available in JCAMP-DX format. 
This page is maintained by Scott Van Bramer

The Defense Sciences Engineering Division,
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
Here is a test page for a partial list of some of the many common molecular chemical MIME formats. 

Chemistry Department,
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK. 
The Chemical MIME home page 
provides a concise entry point for various information sources relating to chemical MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension). 
This page is maintained by Henry S. Rzepa

Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of Texas at Austin, USA

An FT-IR Library in JCAMP-DX format 
This page is maintained by David Sullivan 

If the main original site is unavailable then a mirror is can be found by clicking here

Norbert Haider
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Althanstraße 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
has some utilities on his website.

  • JDXview, a JCAMP-DX spectrum viewer
  • jdx2jdx, a command-line JCAMP-DX data transcoder
  • IRview, a viewer for infrared spectra (Perkin-Elmer and JCAMP-DX format)

Friedrich Menges

Spekwin32 Viewing optical spectra (UV/VIS, IR, Raman, fluorescence) from different sources

Department of Applied Chemistry,
RMIT, Melbourne, Australia 
WSEARCH v.1/1/99 for Mass Spectrometry is JCAMP-DX compatible. 
This page is currently maintained by Frank Antolasic
A conversion utility for JCAMP-DX to ORIGIN and other mathematics packages is available from ISAS (along with the source codes) and written up in Spectroscopy Europe

 The usual disclaimer that we make no claim whatsoever for any suitability for use applies here


Page last modified 23. September 2005. 
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International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. 
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